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The New RBA Patron Xianyan Chen and her dog
Xianyan Chen, grew up in a family surrounded by art, music and love.
She completed all illustrations in her mother Huaicun Zhang’s book, Pencil Tree at the age of 6.
The book also became one of the best selling poetry collection for children until now.
For her undergraduate degree, she studied in the area of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and finished her Masters degree in Art and Politics.
While she is pursuing her PhD in Translational Health Research, she also runs the family business “Whisky Point” in the Whisky industry.
As a family of Scotch whisky lovers, she is always very enthusiastic in combining her family’s art collection with the design of their whisky brand.
She and her family also founded the Pencil Tree Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
which helps artists and writers in different areas to develop their skills and promote their artistic world to the outside world.